Simplifying BOF Development: Debug, Test, and Save Your B(e)acon 

Beacon Object Files (BOFs) were introduced in Cobalt Strike 4.1 in 2020. Since their release, BOFs have played a key role in post-exploitation activities, surpassing Reflective DLLs, .NET assemblies, and PowerShell scripts. However, in our experience, many developers struggle with four primary pain points: In this blog post, we will tackle these difficulties by introducing […]

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Simple DNS Redirectors for Cobalt Strike

This post, from Ernesto Alvarez Capandeguy of Core Security’s CoreLabs Research Team, describes techniques used for creating UDP redirectors for protecting Cobalt Strike team servers. This is one of the recommended mechanisms for hiding Cobalt Strike team servers and involves adding different points which a Beacon can contact for instructions when using the HTTP channel. […]

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Beacon Object File ADVENTURES: Some Zerologon, SMBGhost, and Situational Awareness

Cobalt Strike can use PowerShell, .NET, and Reflective DLLs for its post-exploitation features. This is the weaponization problem set. How to take things, developed outside the tool, and create a path to use them in the tool. One of the newest weaponization options in Cobalt Strike are Beacon Object Files. A Beacon Object File is […]

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Cobalt Strike 3.14 – Post-Ex Omakase Shimasu

Cobalt Strike 3.14 is now available. This release benefits the OPSEC of Beacon’s post-exploitation jobs. To take a screenshot, log keystrokes, dump credentials, or scan for targets: Beacon often spawns a temporary process, injects the capability into it, and receives results over a pipe. While Cobalt Strike has a lot of flexibility around launching temporary […]

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Why is rundll32.exe connecting to the internet?

Previously, I wrote a blog post to answer the question: why is notepad.exe connecting to the internet? This post was written in response to a generation of defenders zeroing in on the notepad.exe malware epidemic that was plaguing them. Many offensive actions require spawning a new process to inject something into. In the Metasploit Framework (and […]

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Talk to your children about Payload Staging

Time to time, I find myself in an email exchange about payload security and payload staging. The payload security discussion revolves around Beacon’s security features. Once it is running on target, Beacon takes steps to authenticate its controller and establish a session-specific key to decrypt tasks and encrypt output. I discuss these security features at the end […]

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What is a stageless payload artifact?

I’ve had a few questions about Cobalt Strike’s stageless payloads and how these compare to other payload varieties. In this blog post, I’ll explain stageless payloads and why you might prefer stageless payload artifacts in different situations. What is payload staging? A stageless payload artifact is an artifact [think executable, DLL, etc.] that runs a […]

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